Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen Urges the Government Supporters to be Patient to Unite the Nation
Switzerland: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen considers the protests against the Prime Minsiter abroad as a democratic process and urges supporters of the Royal Government to tolerate attacks by protesters to unite the nation and the people.
Speaking from Davos, Switzerland, during a meeting with more than 2,000 Cambodians in Europe on Saturday night, 21 May, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that during his presence in Switzerland, more than 10 Cambodians protested his presence which the Prime Minister considers a democratic process. Moreover, the Prime Minister continues to urge the Cambodian people who support the government to be patient with the protests from the opposition so that Cambodia can unite the people.
The Prime Minister also recalled a visit to France last year when there were protesters or protests against him, at which time he told CPP supporters and the government to be patient to control the situation at that time.
"This is normal for the democratic process in Cambodia," he said.
As the Prime Minister traveled to co-chair the ASEAN-US Special Summit last week, some Cambodians protested against the Prime Minister's presence, including using shoes in an attempt to attack him. In response, the Prime Minister pulled out a megaphone and told his supporters to be patient with these acts, not to be provoked by the incitement of the opposition, and to maintain the dignity.
Speaking at a meeting with the Samdech Techo Voluntary Youth Association on Tuesday, 17 May 2022, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that if the Prime Minister did not call on the people to be patient, the shoe thrower could have faced serious problems.